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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Wednesday, 9 AM PST, conf bridge 206
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel
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Previous Action Items
chofmann: set up a meeting to compile the list of issues we're trying to solve for verbatim -
axel: send the link to the etherpad with the interview questions for the comms role -
all: review axel's interview questions for the comms role -
pike: email the Danish team about the changeset taken for fennec5 without a signoff -
stas: talk to stuart about creating a feature page for new Firefox Home- stuart will create the feature page the week of June 13 or June 20.
- pike: set up a triage meeting about new locales
- pike:
update the bugogramand deploy the hotfix to l10n-stage-sj - stas/milos: set up a wiki page about the Bedrock project and what it means for us
Meeting Notes
- Notetaker: gandalf
- Attendees: chofmann, stas, kadir, pascal
- (stas) review of bedrock for l10n
- there's going to be a webpage explaining what bedrock is
- Chrissie is going to lead the meeting on bedrock
- Pascal points out that we should focus on making the transition as painless for localizers as possible
- Pascal asks for a timeline so that we don't do work on current page for the time when we'll switch
- Pascal points out that someone will have to takeover what he's doing right now on facilitating l10n community around mozilla.com/org when he steps down from this role
- Stas says that that webdev team expresses interest in takovering pascal's role then
- Stas points out that there's more feedback that Bedrock team needs from Pascal so further feedback should happen on the etherpad and on the meeting
- (stas) what to do with beta locales for 5.0
- for 5.0 we will not move beta locales to l10n-beta
- we will not make any significant changes in the way we release Firefox in the 5.0 timescope
- 20 beta locales
- Milos did a lot of work over last days and reported that 7 of them can be moved out of beta for 5.0
- 2 (serbian & bosnian) of these have more than 40k users - we should discuss debetaing them
- 11 other locales are really small locales with 200-300 users, l10n is complete but they miss website or productization
- should we ship those 11 or keep them as beta?
- (stas) should we enable l10n-merge for the release channel (this point can be moved to another meeting)
- we want to enable l10n-merge on prod
- release l10n-merged locales on release channel telling the users that it's 100% complete and that there's an opportunity for them to step in
- Gandalf points out that we need to be prepared for higher volume of newcomers to l10n land if we do that
- (Kadir) Status of commiter's agreement
Action Items
- none
pike: set up a triage meeting about new localesno need for that after all - pike:
update the bugogramanddeploy the hotfix to l10n-stage-sjDone on develop - stas/milos: set up a wiki page about the Bedrock project and what it means for us
- Final touches to pyAST library before 1.0 release
- pyL20n library received new parser and final AST.
- Working on basic test suite, final pieces of the parser (expressions) and serializer
- Generic mozilla python library with DTD/properties formats (ast/parser/serializer) extracted from Silme.
- Work on my slide deck for Shanghai Firefox 5 release event
- Set of interviews for Businessman magazine, WebHosting and PcWorld
- Supporting our legal team in negotiations with potential partners in CEE
- retired Tips and FastestFox pages on mozilla.com
- worked on mozilla-europe.org product pages migration to mozilla.com
- updated all of mozilla.com to remove version numbers before next week, specifically Firefox 4, same for wordmark images that now don't use a number and download boxes
- launched m/firefox/channel translation
- Built a variant of all.html called all-locales.html that would list beta builds/beta locales along with stable builds http://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/fr/firefox/all-locales.html (will probably not be used)
- worked with Milos on determining which locales we can debeta (web-wise)
- mozilla.com webhero page launched
- plugincheck localization status: 35 locales done
- pushed many translations to production
- 12 minor locales now have a rotating promo on firefox 3.6 google home page to get involved