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56 bytes removed, 23:15, 16 September 2010
CSS3 UI: added detail to css3-ui editor's draft re: cursor applying to border, padding, content. noted a couple of 'cursor' related bugs in FF that once fixed could be used to specify more detail
===== remaining tasks =====
Remaining tasks to get CSS3 UI to PR:
* 'cursor' detail: on the root element, setting cursor applies to the border-edge (per 2.1 or later CSS spec that defines it e.g. CSS3 Borders and Backgrounds). See also 'pointer-events' which can modify it. [note from fantasai: wouldn't it make more sense for cursor on the root to propagate to the entire canvas? there's no other way to change the cursor on the canvas]
* add '''pointer-events''' A way of specifying whether an element is opaque to pointer events (and receives them) or is transparent to them (letting them get handled by what's underneath.
*** CSS portions of [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]], e.g. the new pseudo-classes
Remaining related Firefox bugs/development tasks (stub/incomplete)
For each of these, figure out who is the right Mozilla developer to work on this and then work with to understand what it will take to get it implemented:
* cursor / border-radius interaction bug: [ 595652]
** if/when fixed, add that detail to spec
* cursor on root element applying to viewport: [ 568450]
** if/when fixed, add that detail to spec
* icon support:
** 'icon' property
Canmove, confirm

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