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322 bytes added, 21:58, 17 September 2010
CSS3 completed section (CSS Style Attributes ready for CR, CSS3 Color prepped for PR, CSS3 UI Editor's draft updated), moved past events to completed
===== remaining tasks =====
Remaining tasks to get CSS3 UI to PR:
* add '''pointer-events''' A way of specifying whether an element is opaque to pointer events (and receives them) or is transparent to them (letting them get handled by what's underneath.
** - Mozilla spec
*** shipped in Firefox 3.6 - demo:
** - Webkit spec
*** shipped in Safari 4.0
** [ Opera proposal]
*** [ CSS Hit Testing]
** related: [[SVG:Pointer-events]]
** key issue: precisely define default behavior (auto or visible etc.)
** pointer events should be defined to affect:
*** application of cursor property
*** :hover
*** mouseevents
*** touchevents
*** general concept of hit-testing so that elementFromPoint can be defined in terms of it (feedback fron annevk).
* consider incorporating '''[ overflow-x]''' and '''[ overflow-y]'''
== Events ==
[[Events]] I'm planning on participating in accordingly:
* August September 23-25 [ W3C CSS WG f2f in Oslo]* September 1-3 [ dConstruct in Brighton] - web design and development* September 21-25 [ Web Directions USA in Atlanta]
== Web Standards Coordination ==
* July 6-10 [[Summit2010|Mozilla Summit]] in Whistler, Canada.
* July 13 [ Real Estate Connect San Francisco] (click on "Workshops »", search for "HTML5") at Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, California
** participating in WORKSHOP: ConnectTech / HTML5 Is Coming, Are You Ready?
* July 17 [ OpenWebCamp II] at Stanford
* July 18 [ Federated social web summit] ([ schedule])
** more info: [ announcement], [ attendees]
* August 23-25 [ W3C CSS WG f2f in Oslo]
* September 1-3 [ dConstruct in Brighton] - web design and development
==== Resolved HTML5 improvements and spec issues ====
===== allow date only on del ins datetime attribute =====
* moved to [[HTML5/del#datetime_should_take_date|HTML5/del]].
==== CSS3 ====
===== CSS Style Attributes =====
* CSS Style Attributes CR draft prepared (awaiting publication date)
===== CSS3 Color =====
* CSS3 Color draft updated for PR (except status section, awaiting publication date etc.)
===== CSS3 UI =====
Updated [ CSS3 UI Editor's draft] with:
* add '''pointer-events''' A way of specifying whether an element is opaque to pointer events (and receives them) or is transparent to them (letting them get handled by what's underneath.
** - Mozilla spec
*** shipped in Firefox 3.6 - demo:
** - Webkit spec
*** shipped in Safari 4.0
** [ Opera proposal]
*** [ CSS Hit Testing]
** related: [[SVG:Pointer-events]]
** key issue: precisely define default behavior (auto or visible etc.)
** pointer events should be defined to affect:
*** application of cursor property
*** :hover
*** mouseevents
*** touchevents
*** general concept of hit-testing so that elementFromPoint can be defined in terms of it (feedback fron annevk).
Canmove, confirm

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