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763 bytes added, 23:10, 21 September 2010
CSS3 Color: updated CSS3 editor's draft with PR status text, and determined/updated specific remaining tasks to get to PR
* respond to all the commenters in the issues list with proposed resolutions (hopefully thus addressing their concerns and resolving the issues accordingly) - Chris Lilley is handling this
** update the disposition of comments accordingly with responses - Chris Lilley is handling this
** get URL to disposition of comments from Chris Lilley
*** e.g. in a file "issues-lc-2008" in similar to the [ Selectors Level 3 Disposition of Comments]
Remaining tasks to get CSS3 Color to PR:
* do any remaining edits on write up an implementation reports summary (similar to [ Selectors Level 3 Implementation Report])** how to check-in a "CR-ImpReport.html" document into** link to [ specific reports]* fix PR status links/text** implementation reports summary** last call comments "issues-lc-2008"** the draft PR "/2002/09/wbs/33280/css3-color- update draft with PR boilerplate/" review form link** the PR-REVIEW-DEADLINE-DD-MONTH-YYYY
==== CSS3 UI ====
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