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301 bytes added, 23:43, 21 September 2010
remaining tasks
** investigate discussion of ink overflow vs layout overflow - [[User:Fantasai|fantasai]] will get more info on this. e.g. box-shadow should never trigger scrollbars. do margins? maybe they don't trigger overflow but if there is overflow anyways (something else triggers scrollbars), then margins influence the dimensions of the scrollable area.
* consider stealing and speccing 'incorporating '[ text-overflow']', since it's more a UI/overflow thing than a typesetting thing. There are at least 3 implementations (IE, WebKit, Opera) See , and has a bug against Firefox: []**** write test cases for 'ellipsis' and 'clip' (default value) and confirm cross-browser support.
* consider adding '''overflow-radius''' per implementation(s)
** Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius]
** no second implementation however - thus consider for CSS4 UI instead
* document claims of existing implementations (CSSWG implementers have until 2010-09-17 to submit claims of implementation)
Canmove, confirm

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